

Since the first years of its operation, our company remains committed to high quality and safety of its products. This qualitative excellence has been our strategic and competitive advantage and an important point of differentiation throughout the years of our operation.

Maintaining consistently and even higher targets, continuous improvement is our main priority. For this reason, we implement significant investments in mechanical equipment every year.

All ELVIDA FOODS products are produced in accordance with the requirements of ISO22000:2018 and ISO14001 standards as well as the international certifications IFS & BRC.


ELVIDA FOODS maintains stable partnerships with leading meat and slaughterhouse suppliers from all over the world to ensure consistently and zero deviations to its products, each and every year.

All stages of production are systematically recorded and closely monitored in order to have precise knowledge of every detail of all products in the production process: exactly which materials and production machines were used, which people worked on the production, etc. . That information is also indicated on the final product as a production batch.

Thanks to automatic traceability and the minimisation of human involvement in the production process, we can support the safety and high quality of our products with real data.


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ISO 22000 is an International Standard that specifies the requirements for a food safety management system to enable food chain organisation to demonstrate their ability to control risks and ensure food safety.
It was issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 2005 and incorporates the requirements of HACCP, the requirements of prerequisites (PRP’s and OPRP’s), the requirements of current legislation and the general principles of management systems.

ISO 14001:2015 is an international standard that defines the requirements of an environmental management system. In recent years there has been an increased awareness among the public and consumers of environmental issues.

IFS (International Featured Standard): a private standard of the Association of German Retailers (HDE) and French Retailers (FCD), in line with the requirements of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). It has a similar structure and requirements to the BRC standard and certifies the safety and quality of processed foods and production processes

BRC (British Retail Consortium):The framework of the standard sets out how to manage food safety, integrity, legality and quality in industries that produce, process and package food and food products.

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