Elvida Foods is a 100% Greek company with 20 years of history.
It is the company that under the brand name Hellenic Gyros S.A. laid the foundations for the industrial production of gyros at a national level and that has been a leading player in the evolution of the production process of the product, in terms of taste and quality.
It is the company that trained and imposed on the relevant market the distribution of gyros in frozen form for reasons of hygiene and safety.
The packaging that we used, the production methods in meat processing and in setting up the round, automatic hanging devices, weighing at the production site, all were implemented by us for the first time and today they are the standard way of production by almost all the industries in the sector that were developed after us and of course the electronic traceability system that we developed ourselves in 2004 before these systems were even available on the market.
At Elvida Foods we are proud that all our products are produced according to the requirements of ISO22000:2018 and ISO14001 standards as well as the international certifications IFS & BRC.
In addition, our factory has been recommended and used by the Ministry of Health for audits of our company and Greek Government agencies, by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Canadian Food Safety Authority
Today, although our customers’ choices have become more complex, we continue to lead the way
- Producing better, higher quality and more innovative products and meal suggestions,
- Continuously improving our customers’ experience and service; and
- Delivering great taste and enjoyment to consumers
To be a reference point in Greece and abroad as far as quality, safe and tasty food is concerned.
We are proud of our values, which have guided our activities from the beginning of our operation until today.

We are constantly evolving through the development and implementation of new ideas and technologies that improve our products and offer effective solutions to our customers

We strive every day to meet and exceed our customers' expectations

We work with absolute social responsibility and give particular importance to issues that concern the contribution to society and the sustainability of the environment in which we operate.

We reward honesty, ethics and transparency in everything we do

We are committed to producing and offering quality, safe and innovative products that create added value for our customers, our employees, our shareholders and society.